Super Ag Lime Plus - Hay & Forage Forum
Jul 26, 2022 · When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community.
Santa Barbara Al Tietjen SweetWater Silver Bit - The Horse Forum
Feb 27, 2013 · Sweet-water mouth handmade Al Tietjen bit. Very famous maker out of Reno, Nevada. Very nice bit, great condition, not used much. Late 60s. Santa Barbara Elko Star shank. Very nice bit. Just need the money and its one that was chosen to go. $400.
Arabian Lines - your opinions/experiences? | The Horse Forum
Aug 29, 2011 · Not a fan of the SEs, especially the Al Khamsa horses. They've been inbred -excuse me- linebred so much they're fugly, stupid, and over reactive. They look like bad cartoon caricatures of the original breed. There are some nice SEs, but I happen to think they're few and far between. There used to be plenty of SEs that I liked. Nowadays, not so ...
Growing peanut hay. | Hay & Forage Forum
Apr 23, 2024 · Perennial peanut is mostly limited to the coastal plain as far as I know and won't grow much north of central Ga and central AL. There's a few growers in lower LA and gulf coast region of Texas. Dryland yields 2-4 tons per acre per year; we generally cut in late June/early July and again in September. Irrigated can do 5-6 tpa.
Are gaited horses more prone to lameness | The Horse Forum
Nov 21, 2022 · The Mangalarga Marchador (MM) is a Brazilian horse breed known for a uniquely smooth gait. A recent publication described a mutation in the DMRT3 gene that the authors claim controls the ability to perform lateral patterned gaits (Andersson et al. 2012). We tested 81 MM samples for the DMRT3...
proven arabian endurance bloodlines | The Horse Forum
Mar 9, 2015 · In fact in France arabians are not most special than others, just I don't know if for you is the same but we have a studbook of "demi sang arabe" so is a mix with one arbian and an other horse, when the demi sang arabe (half arabian blood?) have a foal with an other arabian we have a foal with 75% of arabian blood and when this horse have a foal with an arabian we can …
Mares Controlling the Size Of A Foal | The Horse Forum
Sep 2, 2009 · In regards to the mare size vs stallion size problem, Carla L. Carleton, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACT, an associate professor in equine theriogenology at Michigan State University, says that although a mare has the internal ability to modulate the size of the fetus that's developing in her to some degree, "When you get a discrepancy and the stallion is quite a bit bigger than the mare, …
The Hay Handling Thread - Bundlers, Bale Wagons...
Nov 19, 2015 · I have developed a machine that converts large square bales, or large round bales of straw or hay into small square bales. It is called the Alison Bale Converter. I would like you to look at it and see if it would be something you would want to use in your thread. I appreciate it. Check it out at Alisonfarms.com Thank you. Al Cooper al ...
To spray or not to spary Rezilon on my Bermuda?
Jan 25, 2021 · So the last two years my stand of midland 99, as I have talked about before has started to thin out and not yielded as good as it has in the past with good soil samples and lots of fertilizer and last year I got crab grass pretty bad and unfortunately the crabgrass went to seed before I could get it cut on last cutting.
Doc's Oak - The Horse Forum
Apr 14, 2022 · AQHA Professional Horseman Al Dunning featured legendary trainer Tom Lyons in his column in the June-July issue of The American Quarter Horse Journal. Tom, who has won approximately $2.7 million in National Cutting Horse Association competition, rode a number of Doc Bar-bred horses. “My favorite horse was and still is Doc’s Oak!” Tom says.