The Review Team was at the facility for a full day. Givens reported that the facility passed with zero deficiencies and received many kudos from the survey team. She said the comments included “great, ...
HELP WANTED: The Yuma Conservation District is hiring a 20 hr/wk part-time Technical Director. Starting wage $18.00/hr. Based in Yuma. The primary duties are the implementation of conservation efforts ...
Otis High School’s boys basketball team is the second seed in the 1A 32-team regional field.
The City of Yuma is moving ahead with playground and skate park upgrades at City Park, but is holding off for now in regards to installing a splash pad. The Yuma City Council held a special meeting ...
FREE GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES To Forever Homes due to relocating: 1 Male, 1 Female, Excellent Temperament, House Trained. Will Not Re-home To Just Anyone! Preferably email me first ...
County Administrator Brandi Ritchey joined the Commissioners at 8:15 a.m. to present for signature the County Retail Liquor License for Jo’s Liquor LLC DBA Jo’s Liquor. The license was approved by ...
Yuma High School’s girls basketball team will be hitting the long, winding road for a chance to qualify for the 3A Great 8. The Outlaws are the 13 th seed in the 32-team regional field. They will be ...