You'll understand the role and responsibilities. These include working together with members and other union reps, talking to members and dealing with their problems, recruiting members and getting ...
Fel mudiad undebau llafur, rydyn ni eisiau gweld gweithleoedd gwrth-hiliol. Mae hyn yn golygu gweithredu’n bwrpasol i gyflawni hyn. Mae hiliaeth systemig eisoes yn rhan o ddiwylliant gweithleoedd ac ...
This year marked the 47th TUC Trade Union Comms awards. A fantastic opportunity to celebrate the spectacular work of our best communication teams across the movement. Congratulations to this years ...
Mahaboob is a delegate on the 2024 Black Activist Development Programme and a passionate activist with Unite. His experiences ...
Samia is an enthusiastic activist with GMB and is also a participant in the second TUC Cymru Black Activists Development ...
Dathlwch Fis Hanes Pobl Ddu 2024 mewn digwyddiad a noddir gan Vaughan Gething AS. Mae TUC Cymru yn lansio pecyn cymorth newydd ar gyfer cynrychiolwyr undeb i fynd i’r afael â hiliaeth yn y gweithle.
We’ve developed a brand new toolkit on anti-racism in the workplace because we want workers to have support in moving towards ...
TUC Union Learning Reps Stage 1 West Thames (Online) 27 Sept 2024 More information / Register West Thames (Online) 16 May 2025 More information / Register TUC Union Learning Reps Stage 2 West Thames ...