Relative and absolute poverty can be presented before and after housing costs (these include rent or mortgage interest, buildings insurance and water rates) and are presented after direct taxes and ...
In response to the Prime Minister's new Plan for Change, JRF Principal Policy Adviser Abby Jitendra said: "The lowest income families have endured years of unyielding and overwhelming struggle which ...
Responding to today's Scottish Budget, JRF Associate Director for Scotland Chris Birt said: “While this budget won't eradicate child poverty, the First Minister’s stated driving purpose, it does show ...
As Rachel Reeves unveiled her first budget for the new Labour Government, the 7th wave of our cost of living tracker captured the experiences of low-income households in the UK. Collected between 8 ...
Despite large falls in the poverty rates in many minority ethnic households over the past 25 years, these households continue to face a much higher risk of experiencing poverty than people in white ...
Most people are concerned about the shortage of decent and affordable homes in the UK and support the broad idea that we need to build more. Yet we can sometimes face opposition when making the case ...
What key aspects and principles make this community's participatory approach successful? Dundee people with lived experience of poverty share their thoughts.
Sharing our learning from past and present work to support the ongoing evolvement of more equitable, democratic and justice led approaches to social change. Our work in this area exists to continually ...
Jaspal is an Investment Portfolio Manager at JRF. His principal activity is to manage the foundation’s investment portfolio of approx. £0.5bn. Prior to joining JRF, Jaspal was Head of Asset Allocation ...
JRF is looking at the potential for AI to generate public good. We'll be platforming some inspiring thinkers while positioning ourselves as an inquisitive explorer of this topic. We’re exploring the ...
Families with no assets can be one broken boiler or car breakdown away from crisis and poverty. This is not a fringe group. Recent estimates suggest that around a quarter of the adult population has ...