Former presidential chief of staff under the former Moon Jae-in administration called on the country to move towards a more realistic approach of a 'two-nation' ...
The National Assembly’s Gender Equality and Family Committee on Monday passed a revised bill that seeks to strengthen the level of punishment against digital sex crimes using ...
The presidential office rejected a request by ruling People Power Party(PPP) chair Han Dong-hoon to hold a private meeting with President Yoon Suk Yeol, saying separate ...
The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency(SMPA) is investigating 74 people suspected of committing deepfake sex crimes through messenger app Telegram.During a regular ...
The entire route of the Korea Dulle Trail linking the three coasts surrounding the southern part of the Korean Peninsula and the inter-Korean border to the north has opened.The ...
The presidential office says it is the president’s duty to exercise his right to veto bills that are unconstitutional.An official at the top office conveyed the remarks ...
Two domestic helpers from the Philippines who were part of a government pilot project have left their posts in Seoul and are now unreachable. According to the labor ministry ...
Due to the long heat wave this year, fall foliage is expected to peak later than usual. The Korea Forest Service(KFS) announced on Monday that Seorak Mountain in Gangwon Province is expected to reach ...