Mosaic afford their usual rigorous and comprehensive treatment to the vibist's work, across seven CDs with extensive notes ...
Swedish guitar, organ and drums plus guests play with strong technique and invention on melodic sequences over swing and funk ...
Bruce Crowther noted that the not so early Murphy still approached music with wit, under­standing and breathtaking gusto ...
The American bassist and singer sets the work of writer and activist James Baldwin as spoken word, song and church service ...
Sixty years ago the New Orleans veteran gave his views on Walter Pichon, Luis Russel, Jelly Roll Morton, Spike Hughes, King ...
Mark Gilbert noticed that Decoy was the most arranged of Davis's comeback albums and marked by John Scofield's contributions ...
Richard Palmer found nothing that qualified as jazz in Corea's record but recommended it to any committed jazz listener ...
Burnett James really admired the musicality of Pass's solo work but thought he needed a better tone and action ...
US flautist and Malian kora player find and extend the common ground between West African and North American vernacular music ...
NY band featuring traditional piano trio and suona mix post-bop with oriental reverie and an abstract reharmonisation of ...
The most striking thing about Re­joicing is that Metheny plays closer to the jazz mainstream than on any of his recordings ...
Barry McRae enjoyed what was essentially a jazz record, featuring Gato Barbieri, Julie Tippetts, Dave Holland and Paul Motian ...