Nicolas Gruber, Professor for Environmental Physics at the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zurich, has been awarded the Roger Revelle Medal by the American Geophysical Union.
ETH Zürich Wählen Sie ein Departement Departemente D-ARCH: Architektur D-BAUG: Bau, Umwelt und Geomatik D-BSSE: Biosysteme D-INFK: Informatik D-ITET: Informationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik D-MATL: ...
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Der Ralph Shangraw Memorial Award - benannt nach Professor Ralph Shangraw, der fast 40 Jahre lang an der University of ...
The Ralph Shangraw Memorial Award, named after Professor Shangraw who spent almost 40 years teaching and conducting research on improving the understanding of excipients at the University of Maryland ...
Il Ralph Shangraw Memorial Award - intitolato al professore Ralph Shangraw, che per quasi 40 anni ha svolto attività di insegnamento e ricerca presso la University of Maryland School of Pharmacy per ...
Le Ralph Shangraw Memorial Award - du nom du professeur Ralph Shangraw, qui a enseigné et fait de la recherche pendant près de 40 ans à l'École de pharmacie de l'Université du Maryland pour améliorer ...
ETH Zürich Wählen Sie ein Departement Departemente D-ARCH: Architektur D-BAUG: Bau, Umwelt und Geomatik D-BSSE: Biosysteme D-INFK: Informatik D-ITET: Informationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik D-MATL: ...
Come si fa a riconoscere il nome giusto su un cartello e a premere il campanello giusto? O come si usa un touchscreen per acquistare un biglietto? Quello che normalmente non è un problema per le ...
Comment reconnaître le bon nom sur une plaque de porte et appuyer sur la sonnette correspondante ? Ou comment utiliser un écran tactile pour acheter un billet ? Ce qui ne pose normalement aucun ...
If you are sight-impaired, how do you recognise a nameplate and press the right doorbell? And how do you use a touchscreen to buy a ticket? Simple actions for most of us, but daunting hurdles for ...