On our way home from our holiday in Cornwall, we stopped off at Montacute House. It is a gorgeous National Trust property in ...
Disclaimer – There is a lot of photos. I just love these photos of Alice and I couldn’t choose which ones to use. There are not many of Holly because she literally slept and fed all day long… When I ...
One of my favourites things to do is styling our home. I love bringing a room together with accessories and making it feel like a home. I will spend hours finding the right thing, and I love it when I ...
As we enter the last week of May, its only a few weeks until Fathers Day and I know that once the girls are back to school next week it will be here before we know it. Fathers Day is always near my ...
“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” ...
Introducing the YippieYo… When we were sent the YippieYo back in the summer, I wasn’t to sure what to expect. The girls were intrigued by it and we set about putting it together, which was actually ...
The start of the month was lovely, the girls had quite a bit of time off school after Christmas and it was just what we all needed. We had lazy mornings, which are literally my favourite thing about ...
Our lounge is one big room that is the whole side of one half of the house and the position of the door, lends itself well to having the room split into areas. It was sold to us as the space at the ...
I decided that I wanted to decorate the downstairs toilet. It was currently painted off-white and apart from a mirror on the wall and one frame, it was very empty and bland. I decided on a whim that I ...
Writing the December post of My Girls, is one of favourites, because I get to look back at them for the whole year. I also ...