Sanctuary laws shield criminals from removal. Eleven states and some 600 towns and cities, mostly controlled by Democrats, have them. Because of these laws, migrant lawbreakers go through the ...
These government agencies are supposed to be politically independent, and historically, they have been filled with professionals devoid of bias. But when we see the errors all bending the data in the ...
As the new report highlights ... a potential disaster on the same scale as World War II looms while America remains complacent in the same way that it was in 1941. If you’re among the supermajority of ...
Instead of defending American shareholders from the EU predators, the Biden regulators encourage and give legitimacy to the foreign courts. The Wall Street Journal noted last week that American ...
Reparations advocates Linda Bilmes and Cornell William Brooks of Harvard's Kennedy School argue payments are needed to close the wealth gap between whites and Blacks. Tulsa reparations advocates urge ...