A vibrant wetland dweller with attitude, this blue-purple beauty struts through reeds on comically oversized feet. The Purple Swamphen is a large, chicken-like, striking wetland bird with deep blue to ...
Also known as the Mew Gull, this adaptable seabird thrives in coastal areas and urban spaces alike, known for its piercing calls and opportunistic feeding habits. The Common Gull has a white head and ...
The world's largest flying parrot faces a sobering future, with fewer than 4,300 of these brilliant blue giants left in the wild due to habitat loss and illegal trafficking. The Hyacinth Macaw is the ...
With its iridescent green-black plumage and rosy belly, this unusual woodpecker often catches insects mid-air like a flycatcher. Lewis's Woodpecker stands out with its unique coloration. The bird has ...
Small, energetic birds with big voices, they are officially the UK’s most numerous bird species, occurring almost everywhere, from gardens to farms and the countryside. The Eurasian Wren is a tiny, ...
This silent night hunter, with piercing yellow eyes and distinctive ear tufts, rules the dark forests from Mexico to Argentina. The Stygian Owl is a large, dark-colored owl with prominent ear tufts.
Standing at an impressive 3 feet tall in their distinctive orange-patched tuxedo, these charismatic waddlers rule the beaches of sub-Antarctic islands. King Penguins are striking birds with a ...
This brainy African native, with its ash-grey feathers and scarlet tail, has charmed bird lovers worldwide with its uncanny ability to mimic human speech. The Grey Parrot is predominantly ash-grey, ...
This lively songster fills wetlands with its explosive call, often heard but rarely seen due to its secretive nature. The Cetti's Warbler is a small, compact bird with a rounded head and short, broad ...
This charming little woodland bird stands out with its distinctive mohawk-like crest, often spotted flitting among pine trees in search of insects and seeds. The Crested Tit is a small, distinctive ...
A small songbird with a big voice, this globe-trotting traveler covers an astonishing 12,000 km during its annual migration. The Willow Warbler is a small, slender bird with olive-green upperparts and ...
This adaptable white heron has a knack for following large animals, snatching up insects disturbed by their movement. The Cattle Egret is a compact, white heron with a robust yellow bill and yellowish ...