Norway issued an international wanted notice on Thursday for a man linked to a Bulgaria-based company that may have been ...
OSLO (Reuters) -Norwegian police have issued an international search request for Rinson Jose, a Norwegian-Indian man linked ...
The 52-year-old is said to be playing a key role in Cameroon's Anglophone crisis, where over 6000 people have been killed.
It will take CO2 emissions captured at factory smokestacks in Europe and inject them into geological reservoirs under the ...
Designed for pedestrians and cyclists, the bridge was constructed by CSUB in Arendal for contractor Consto, commissioned by ...
The first phase of the Northern Lights CO2 storage project is ready to receive CO2 deliveries with a capacity of 37.5m tonnes ...
Passengers at Norway’s airports will shortly be able to dispense with check-in desks as a new mobile system comes into ...
Norway plans to sell 14 billion to 18 billion kroner ($1.33 billion-$1.71 billion) in government bonds via auctions in the fourth quarter, Norges Bank said in a borrowing update on Friday. It also ...
When you click on “Accept all”, you consent to ads on this site being customized to a personal profile we or our advertising ...
Norway, the European Union and other countries across Africa, the Pacific Islands and South America say they won’t stand for ...
Northern Lights is now ready to receive and permanently store CO (2) from European industries, with first CO (2) injection expected in 2025. Developing CO (2) transportation and storage services is ...