East Lansing — Michigan State University has no immediate plans to examine institutional ... The first two surveys were ...
Long-secret documents reveal that behind closed doors, MSU had deep doubts about its 2014 investigation of Larry Nassar: ...
Long-secret emails give a glimpse into MSU's struggle to balance a sexual abuse scandal with defending the university's ...
Thousands of documents turned over by Michigan State University reveal nothing new about what the school might have known ...
MSU's internal communications throughout the Nassar saga — contained in 6,000 pages of documents released last week by the ...
"I can state unequivocally they have not solved the cultural issues," one expert said of Michigan State's effort to move past ...
Dana Nessel said that the documents that were turned over contained no new information about the university's handling of ...
AG Dana Nessel said Michigan State University's use of attorney-client privilege to keep Larry Nassar documents secret "was ...
After probing the actions of Michigan State University during the Larry Nassar sex abuse investigation, Attorney General Dana ...
"In 2018, former Attorney General Bill Schuette formally announced an independent investigation into the University's ...
When facing the man that sexually abused her starting at age 10 and facing down the university leaders who she says have let ...
Attorney General Dana Nessel called the outcome disappointing but said documents MSU withheld ultimately provided no new ...