A mom listened attentively as her toddler tried to explain that they were not black, but instead were brown, in a conversation about skin colour.
Xhosa baby names draw inspiration from the rich cultural traditions of the Xhosa people, referencing clan, deity, or familial lineage. Here, names hold greater significance than surnames ...
Way back in 1858 Nongqawuse, a prophetess of the Xhosa tribe in South Africa had a vision telling her that all cattle of the ...
The process, known as Ulwaluko, is enthusiastically embraced by the Xhosa people, although it is known to happen all across South Africa. The circumcision is performed by a traditional surgeon ...
“I love the way language brings people together,” Willard said. “When I speak Xhosa, I see people’s faces light up. It’s about respect, about understanding each other’s worlds.