Can you give just a general definition of what's meant by the term the Hellenistic world? The Hellenistic world is that world that was created after the conquests of the near east by Alexander the ...
B63=SVF 2.912; B64=SVF 2.916; B65=SVF 2.917; B66=SVF 2.920; B67=SVF 2.937; B70=SVF 2.955-956; (This is the "Lazy Argument") B76-78=SVF 2.974 ...
An approximately 3,500-year-old settlement was discovered in Egypt in Kom el-Negus, located about 27 miles west of Alexandria ...
This lesson on the Hellenistic Period introduces students to the time period that traditionally begins in 323 BCE with the death of Alexander the Great and ends in 31 BCE with the ascension of ...
The statue was found by a man in the city of Thessaloniki last Saturday night, inside a black bag next to a bin!
Why are these lovely ornaments called Greek gold? How do we know they must have been produced in Egypt during Hellenistic times, the period that coincides with the Ptolemaic dynasty? Was the owner ...
Can you give just a general definition of what's meant by the term the Hellenistic world? The Hellenistic world is that world that was created after the conquests of the near east by Alexander the ...