Outdoor gear, especially for winter activities like skiing and snowboarding, can be a big investment. If you’re looking to ...
The Talus range is a rugged and reliable series of boots that can handle tricky terrain and inclement weather, but is still ...
The Merrell Moab Speed 2 hiking boots combine ample cushioning with a comfortable fit and lightweight build - get yours while ...
With a new outsole, midsole, and upper, Altra took a fan-favorite ultralight trail runner and gave it better traction, more ...
Now, you can add Merrell to that list. The footwear brand just cracked open its semi-annual sale that runs until Mar. 17, and ...
How hiking boots should fit, how to break them in and how to lace them. Plus, how to clean hiking boots so they last longer.
Hoka switched up the waterproof membrane for the Kaha 3’s and uses the Gore-Tex Invisible Fit. This GTX membrane is bonded to ...
Shop our edit of the 13 best waterproof trainers for women. Functional and failsafe, don't let the weather stop you from getting out there when the rain hits.
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