Wie reagieren die Wähler auf die Bundestagswahl? Eine neue ZDF-Umfrage ist ein echter Dämpfer für Merz und Co.
Robert Habeck kündigt an, bei den Grünen keine führende Rolle mehr einnehmen zu wollen. Diese Aussicht scheint ...
Grünen-Kanzlerkandidat Robert Habeck will nach der Wahl-Schlappe nicht mehr ... hat bereits am Montag mehrere politische ...
Robert Habeck verzichtete gestern Vormittag auf Führungsämter bei den Grünen. FDP-Chef Christian Lindner verkündete Sonntagabend sogar seinen kompletten Rückzug aus der Politik. Kanzler Olaf Scholz ...
The likely next chancellor is unpopular, and his country’s economy has stalled. But his penchant for risks could help lead to ...
German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck plans to step back from any leadership role in the Greens after his party suffered ...
Germany's Robert Habeck, who had run in Sunday's election as the chancellor candidate for the environmentalist Greens, said ...
Germany's election reshapes the political scene, with the far right and far left parties on the rise and coalition chaos and ...
The conservative CDU/CSU won; the chancellor's Social Democrats were voted out in a disastrous result for the party. One in ...
German chancellor candidates have spoken publicly to their supporters after exit polls came out indicating the results of the ...
The election follows the collapse of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s three-party coalition ... Vice Chancellor and Greens candidate Robert Habeck, and far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) co-leader ...