Pennsylvania drivers are legally obligated to clear snow and ice from their vehicles within 24 hours of a snowfall.
Officials point to new funding sources and a tone shift in Pennsylvania on the Chesapeake Bay. But with a new EPA in town, ...
Critics say Pennsylvania’s state song is dull and uninspiring. Lawmakers have another chance to change it this session.
“Austin, Texas, is the best state capital overall in part because it has the highest median household income after adjusting ...
There's yet another winter storm brewing. This one, centered on the weekend, will dump accumulating snow in at least 20 ...
With the exception of any prior mental illness, Mom was a textbook case of postpartum psychosis: Restlessness, disordered ...
Gov. Josh Shapiro is suing the Trump administration over what he is calling an “unconstitutional” hold up of more than $2 ...
Officials said the quake could be felt in every state in New England and as far away as Pennsylvania. In southern Maine, many residents reported feeling houses and buildings shake as the ...
Most of my runs are on the same three greenways near my apartment. Often, to stay off the roads, I’ll run out-and-backs on ...
It’s time for Pennsylvania to update its standing health orders to allow for the use of all FDA-approved opioid overdose reversal agents.