Outdoor gear, especially for winter activities like skiing and snowboarding, can be a big investment. If you’re looking to ...
Some of your favorite outdoor brands are quietly designing accessories for your four-legged hiking companions.
Hoka switched up the waterproof membrane for the Kaha 3’s and uses the Gore-Tex Invisible Fit. This GTX membrane is bonded to ...
Trail veterans often jerry-rig the popular Sawyer Squeeze water filter onto a bomb-proof Vecto bladder. Now, the two products ...
Yes, even your dog deserves their own space to chill and recharge. These are the best dog beds for hiking, camping and more.
A class-action lawsuit filed against Gore-Tex accuses the company of deceiving buyers and concealing the chemicals used in ...
Whether you're a camper, a hiker, or anything in between, you understand the importance of choosing the right clothing and ...
Among the sales: Cerium Down Hoodie, a puffer design made with an insulated hood and a water-repellent shell, which can trap ...
The new Glacier 50 is a smart, streamlined backpacker’s dream with a cool bonus feature for quick excursions. To paraphrase ...
The brand's Web Specials section has gotten an update with savings on the Black Hole Duffel, Silent Down Jacket, and more.
Why we like it: The best bikepacking bike for you depends on where you’ll be riding and how comfortable you are on the bike.