Editor: Greg A. Fairbanks, J.D., LL.M. Historically, domestic partnerships and S corporations that owned 10% or more of a controlled foreign corporation (CFC) could rely on the so-called CFC/PFIC ...
Heavy with may rose and jasmine, it was the first perfume to be layered with aldehydes, a now-commonplace practice that lends the fragrance an airy quality. Game-changing then, iconic now. Created as ...
This station earns commissions on purchases made through the link(s) on this page. TL;DR: Match any surface to a common paint brand with the Nix Mini 3 Color Sensor, on sale for $69.97 until March ...
Imaginez qu'une simple odeur ait le pouvoir de vous rendre plus attirant aux yeux des autres ? C'est le cas de cette molécule que l'on trouve dans plusieurs parfums. Cette molécule, on la doit à un ...
Double ionization occurs when an atom or molecule is subjected to enough energy, say from a cosmic ray or laser, that it loses two electrons. In their latest paper, the team observed a similar ...
A molecule that is currently being used to treat cancerous soft-tissue sarcomas may be the key for developing a cure for HIV. This molecule, known as EBC-46, works by temporarily activating the HIV ...
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 10607, Taiwan Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10607, Taiwan ...
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is an aggressive hematological malignancy with abnormal progenitor self-renewal and defective white blood cell differentiation. Its pathogenesis comprises subversion of ...
In a process called ‘inhibitory feedback’, a signaling molecule instructs cells to produce molecules that block its own signaling. Although inhibitory feedback is widely used during patterning in ...