Las autoridades han dado a conocer los detalles de docenas de edificios ilegales en la isla griega de Santorini que, según ...
The seismic activity in the area around the Greek islands of Santorini and Amorgos is gradually decreasing, local media reported on Monday. Remarking that over 23,500 tremors of various magnitudes ...
A las 04.46 GMT de este martes se registró un temblor de magnitud 5 a unos 17 kilómetros al sureste de Amorgos, y una hora y media después se produjo un segundo de magnitud 4,9 unos kilómetros ...
A new cof magnitude 5 on the Richter scale was recorded on Tuesday morning between the Greek islands of Santorini and Amorgos. The earthquake occurred at 4.46 a.m. local time (0246GMT) at a depth ...
Homero llamó a Amorgos “isla desnuda” porque la consideró inhabitable. Sin embargo, esta integrante de las Cícladas merece estar reservada para los turistas que buscan la Grecia tradicional ...
enjambre sísmico sigue sacudiendo la isla de Grecia; no hay reporte de heridos Además de las decenas de conos volcánicos submarinos en la zona, entre Santorini y Amorgos hay también varias ...
Atenas, 18 feb (Prensa Latina) Autoridades de Grecia informaron hoy sobre el registro de un nuevo terremoto de magnitud 5 en la escala de Richter entre las islas de Santorini y Amorgos. Según el ...
AMORGÓS, Greece — For three weeks Dionysia Kobaiou has been dealing with “the anxiety and stress” of her students on the Greek island of Amorgos which has felt thousands of earthquakes.
A 5.1-magnitude earthquake struck an area of the sea between the Greek islands of Amorgos and Santorini on Monday morning, according to the Geodynamics Institute of the National Observatory of Athens.
For three weeks Dionysia Kobaiou has been dealing with "the anxiety and stress" of her students on the Greek island of Amorgos which has felt thousands of earthquakes. She has been teaching ...
A state of emergency has been declared on Santorini and the nearby islands of Ios, Amorgos, and Anafi after a swarm of undersea earthquakes this month – sometimes felt every few minutes ...