BRUSSELS — When Ursula von der Leyen unveiled her team for the next European Commission, she simultaneously silenced the ...
Macron is no longer the Jupiterian president he aspired to be, an executive who stays above the fray by governing through ...
Many EU countries want to encourage electric vehicle ownership, but charging infrastructure can vary widely around the bloc.
This article is part of The New Commute, a special report on urban mobility in Europe from POLITICO’s Global Policy Lab: ...
The former head of policy at BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, has quickly got his feet under the table. He has formed a ...
Looking to influence financial services policy but unsure who to meet at Labour's inaugural party conference in Liverpool ...
LONDON — This year’s Labour Party conference promises to be one of the most momentous. Following a landslide victory at ...
Ministers newly installed in their Whitehall offices. Special advisers moving from opposition to government. The first Labour ...
BERLIN — Germany is finally emerging from the first stage of economic grief: denial.
One of the world’s leading vision impairments, myopia’s prevalence is set to increase, with vast implications for country’s ...
Managing emerging international tensions will require much stronger green diplomacy, as well as a more strategic and coherent ...
Ursula von der Leyen’s pick for agrifood commissioner is a political animal and skilled mediator — qualities he will need to ...