We all have a story. I was walking in from recess. Second grade. The teachers appeared to be watching an action movie in the lounge. I was jealous that we had to go outside while the teachers were ...
On the menu today: This morning, a whole lot of people in right-world want to argue that last night’s debate didn’t go as well as it should have for Donald Trump, because the moderators were ...
it’s more than a “missed opportunity” when you are totally unprepared, whine about how you won in 2020, and then claim that you can solve all the world’s wars, our deficit, and rampant inflation in ...
The Job Creators Network’s lawsuit looks more like a mechanism to raise donations and grab headlines than like a proper use of the legal system. Everyone’s past, no matter how far back, is an open ...
Mr. Dalrymple, a retired doctor, is a contributing editor of City Journal and The New English Review. He is the author of False Positive: A Year of Error, Omission, and Political Correctness in ...
Amity Shlaes is the author of The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression and a National Review Institute fellow. What were the results of the victory of government power in the 1930s?
A society-wide recovery of fundamentals is needed. View Magazine Archives What are Democrats thinking? Will her example of female empowerment resonate with younger women? How Soviet propaganda ...
Derek Scissors is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the chief economist at the China Beige Book. For the sake of American security and prosperity, China must be pushed out ...
Howard Husock is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. If Harris intends to model her energy policies on California’s ‘net zero’ crusade, then we might expect some of the ...
Naomi Schaefer Riley is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the author of No Way to Treat a Child. When home harms. It is not too late to reverse the youth mental-health ...
Ryan Ellis is the president of the Center for a Free Economy and an IRS-enrolled agent. Working together, supply-side conservatives and populist conservatives can forge a pro-growth, pro-family ...
Trump Dodges on Whether He Would Veto National Abortion Ban Trump Says He ‘Took a Bullet to the Head’ Because of Overheated Democratic Rhetoric Trump Touts Theory about Haitian Immigrants Eating Cats ...