In September, a strange nine-day signal rocked our planet and baffled scientists. Now they have finally found the cause.
Archaeologists think the ancient helmet indicates that Celts settled in the region to protect their supplies of precious ...
The ancient coelacanth, which has existed for some 419 million years, never stopped evolving despite its reputation as a "living fossil." A new discovery reveals that it evolved faster when plate ...
The gigantic asteroid 2024 ON, about the size of a blue whale, will fly close to Earth next Tuesday, missing our planet by ...
Photographs of the Dolphin Head Nebula and a multicolored Earth are among the winners of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich's Astronomy Photographer of the Year 16 (2024) competition.
Volcanoes spewing carbon dioxide 250 million years ago heated the climate so much that extreme El Niño events became the norm, pushing most life on Earth past its limits.
Detailed 3D images of the first tardigrade fossils ever discovered help scientists predict when tardigrades evolved their near-indestructibility — a trait that might have helped them survive multiple ...
A new tool can reveal whether someone has a "healthy" gut microbiome by providing a simple score, but many questions remain.
Physicists have created a one dimensional gas out of light particles for the first time. Studying how the photon gas behaves could help researchers discover some yet-unknown quantum optical effects.
Wildlife officials in Georgia stumbled across a pair of snakes that had been "expelled" by a larger serpent, only to discover that one of the regurgitated victims was still alive.
Scientists in the U.S. have created a battery for electric cars that could be safer and offer better performance than the ones we have now thanks to a unique design.
Thorin — nicknamed after a dwarf in J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" — is also called the "last Neanderthal" because he may ...