导 播 :金博主持人: 全家霖(韩国湖西大学教授)专 家 : 徐明济(时事评论家)2024年美国总统大选投票将在11月举行。共和党候选人特朗普(Donald Trump)与民主党候选人卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)9月10日在费城(Ph ...
I, the Executioner (Yo, el Verdugo / 베테랑2)‘I, the Executioner (Yo, el verdugo)’ llegó a la cartelera surcoreana entre gran expectativa, dado el enorme ...
Ủy ban điều tra đặc biệt tại Quốc hội nhằm làm sáng tỏ thảm họa giẫm đạp ở Itaewon và phòng ngừa tái diễn thảm kịch tương tự (gọi tắt là Ủy ban điều tra đặc biệt về thảm họa giẫm đạp Itaewon) ...
韩国国际广播电台报道:顾客现钞买入价,1美元兑韩币的汇率是1比1358.76, 1元人民币兑韩币的汇率是1比198.78;顾客现钞卖出价,1美元兑韩币的汇率是1比1312.04,1元人民币兑韩币的汇率是1比179.86。9月23日韩国综合股价指数(KOSPI)以2602.01点收 ...
Nordkorea will keine feindseligen Handlungen übersehen, die seine Souveränität, Würde und das Wohl seines Volks bedrohen. Das sagte Außenministerin Choe Son-hui ...
Exports decreased for the first 20 days of September because of the timing of the Chuseok holiday. According to preliminary data from the Korea Customs Service on Monday, ...
Jeonbuk National University Law School professor Song Ki-choon is chairing a special independent committee to investigate the Itaewon crowd crush that killed 159 people ...
El índice general de la Bolsa surcoreana, el KOSPI, recuperó el suelo de las 2.600 unidades el lunes 23, tras ganar un 0,33% respecto al último día de operaciones y finalizar la ...
El ministro de Exteriores Cho Tae Yul se reunirá el martes 24 en Nueva York con su homólogo cubano, Bruno Rodríguez, ciudad donde se encuentra para participar en la Asamblea General ...
All takeoff and landing were suspended twice at Incheon International Airport due to North Korean trash balloons.According to the Incheon International Airport Corporation, ...
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) und Samsung Electronics stehen offenbar mit den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (VAE) über den Bau großer Chipfabriken im ...
The presidential office expects a trilateral summit of leaders from South Korea, the United States and Japan to take place within this year.Appearing on a local TV news program ...