Six years after their arrival in Indonesia, the missionaries celebrated their work of evangelization during the Mass ...
A reflection by Wilmer Moyetones on the mission of consecrated life in times of crisis: to be beacons of light and hope.
“Ten years building community, educating with the heart”. Under this motto, the Colegio Agustiniano of Guatemala has celebrated its tenth anniversary, since its foundation in 2014. Since then, the ...
Since September 15, 2024, the Prior General, Friar Miguel Ángel Hernández, has been visiting the religious communities of Mexico as part of his pastoral tour of North America. Miguel Angel Hernandez, ...
Some years ago, an Augustinian Recollect -José Luis Garayoa- who today rests in the Glory of the Father, wrote a column with this same title in a personal blog. At the time it seemed to me an ...
Jesús y sus discípulos han llegado a Cafarnaúm; están ya en la casa, y allí, en el sosiego de la conversación doméstica, Jesús les pregunta de qué venían discutiendo por el camino. No es que Jesús no ...