Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) challenges visual documentation that excluded Black subjects from a ...
As much as technicality can elevate an artist’s work, it’s the connection, the emotion and the story being told that ultimately resonates and makes a piece so perfectly human.
PITTSBURGH–As the Civil War was raging, thousands of American readers would wait to get news on the conflict every seven days from Harper’s Weekly, then the most widely-read periodical in the United ...
They include: Advertisement -- Pope Clement VIII in 1536 -- Historian/writer Wilhelm Grimm in 1786 -- Artist Winslow Homer in 1836 -- Writer George Moore in 1852 -- WWII commander Adm. Chester ...
Two Winslow Homer paintings that were recently appraised on Antiques Roadshow have been auctioned by Christie’s during its 19th century American Art and Western Painting sales on January 23.
"Engraving after 1900: A Technique in Its Time" is an exhibition of prints featuring engravings ... James Gillray, and Winslow Homer, among others. Both shows are curated by Miya Tokumitsu ...
In 1823, civic-minded merchants met in a tavern to establish a public library, later soliciting book donations with a ...
Two Winslow Homer paintings that were recently appraised on Antiques Roadshow have been auctioned by Christie’s during its 19th century American Art and Western Painting sales on January 23.
Check out the new exhibit by multimedia artist Njaimeh Njie ... A selection of original Winslow Homer engravings from Harper’s augments the exhibit. The exhibit opens Sat., ...