Ampumahiihtäjä Suvi Minkkinen pystyi Nove Meston maailmancupissa jälleen hyvään suoritukseen. Minkkinen ampui 7,5 kilometrin pikakisassa nollat ja ylsi kisan seitsemänneksi. Kyseessä on yhdeksäs kerta ...
Suvi Minkkinen oli takaa-ajokilpailun 10:s Nove Mestossa. Avaa kuvien katselu Suvi Minkkisen asetelmat takaa-ajokisaan olivat hyvät, sillä hän lähti ladulle seitsemäntenä. Kuva: Kevin Voigt / ...
Ville Peltosen valmentama Helsingin IFK rikkoi kolmantena jääkiekkoliigan joukkueena sadan pisteen rajan perjantaina.
The start-up’s co-founders and co-owners are Pitkänen’s husband Aleksi Pitkänen , Päivi Leinonen , Suvi Suutarinen and Ilona ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I carry all of my weight in my belly. Since I’ve been 18, I’ve had to deal with people asking when I’m due or whether it’s a boy or a girl. It always makes me feel fat ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Can you please publish a few short words on presenting a proper toast? Among millennials and Gen Z, the word “cheers” has become both a noun and a verb. I have heard “Let ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Can you please publish a few short words on presenting a proper toast? Among millennials and Gen Z, the word “cheers” has become both a noun and a verb: I have heard “Let ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Sometimes people enthusiastically tell me something they think I don’t know, particularly about my areas of expertise. Saying “I already knew that” sounds condescending.
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Can you please publish a few short words on presenting a proper toast? Among millennials and Gen Z, the word “cheers” has become both a noun and a verb: I have heard “Let ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I was in my office when I got an urge to go to the bathroom. I hate to do this at work, because I work in a converted townhouse where the bathrooms are just one toilet and one ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I was in my office when I got an urge to go to the bathroom. I hate to do this at work, because I work in a converted townhouse where the bathrooms are just one toilet and one ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have a few old friends scattered around the country who will only talk on the phone if they’re actively doing something else. This leads to a variety of acoustic challenges ...