One adult and one child were conveyed to the hospital after a BlueSG car crashed into a road barrier on the Kranji Expressway (KJE). The Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the Singapore Civil ...
SINGAPORE – Two people in a BlueSG car were injured after the vehicle skidded on the Kranji Expressway (KJE) towards the Bukit Timah Expressway (BKE) on March 1. The police said they were ...
A post showcasing an amusing coincidence involving a monogrammed suitcase has gone viral on Reddit, so Newsweek spoke to an expert about luggage and whether or not it's a good idea to monogram them.
do nedelje 23. februarja 2025 Nasvet za nakupovanje: kje v Parizu dobite najboljše ponudbe? Teden pred nami 24. februar - 2. marec 2025 v Parizu: brezplačno ali po znižani ceni Emmaus ...
Največje podjetje v lasti podjetnika je Belektron Boštjana Bandlja. Leta 2023 je ustvarilo nekaj manj kot 3,2 milijarde evrov prihodkov od prodaje. Najuspešnejši podjetnik pa je Igor Akrapovič s 46 ...