On the eve of the first anniversary of Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) founder Inkosi Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi's death, ...
SEKWETHENJWE umphumela wokuhlolwa kwesidumbu mayelana nokushona kukaMnu Emmanuel Ngema (65), (osesithombeni) oquleke enkundleni ngesikhathi kunemidlalo yezaguga ebihlelwe wuMasipala Inkosi uMtubatuba ...
ILANGA lihoshe ngemithombo yalo ukuthi uBuhle Mkhwanazi (34) (owesithombeni) oyisitobha, uzama inhlanhla kwiMarumo Gallants. Lo mdlali owake wagijima kwiBidvest Wits nakwiSuperSport United, uyeke ...
“Sizobikelwa iNkosi uNyazilwezulu. UBaba uNyazi alukuvumi lokhu abakwenzile ... Uthe kubo kaMfundisi Mhlongo yilapho okwakufikela khona uMqaliwendlela kanjalo neNkosi iLanga belifikela kubo kusanda ...
Amanye amahemuhemu asabalele yilawo athi nguDube owabhala ephephandebeni lakhe, Ilanga LaseNatali ... ngenxa yokuthi uyise nguLombo Qiniso Shembe oyindodana yeLanga, iNkosi uJG Shembe. Udalule ukuthi ...
Another critical and heroic milestone of the year 1906 was the Bhambatha Rebellion, when Bhambatha kaMancinza, the inkosi of the Zondi clan led a rebellion against poll taxes. Dr Dube campaigned in ...
His father, John Tshangana Gumede was the descendant of Khondlo, the father of Phakathwayo,inkosi yama Qwabe ... served as the editor of the Ilanga laseNataliand Abatho Batho newspapers. The highly ...
KZN MEC for Social Development Mbali Shinga (left) meets Inkosi Phathisizwe Shinga. The chairperson of the Provincial House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders, Inkosi Phathisizwe Shinga ...
In a time when public trust in government institutions is critically low, Public Service and Administration Minister Inkosi Mzamo Buthelezi is determined to reverse the tide. Speaking in an interview ...
Inkosi ya Makosi Mmbelwa five has expressed shock and sadness following the tragic minibus accident that happened in Kasungu yesterday claiming the lives of 26 people. Writing on his Facebook page, ...
I feel very welcomed as I stand before you this morning to address the Congress and General Meeting of the Public Servants Association - an organisation that has earned its place as the “Union of ...