Astronomers using a cutting-edge adaptive optics instrument, MagAO-X, have captured unprecedented images of young planets ...
PETALING JAYA: The Public Service Department (PSD) has extended the interim moratorium on the 45-hour work week for healthcare staff by three months. According to the Human Resources Division of ...
What might appear as a domestic controversy in Romania carries broader implications for the state of democracy across Europe.
PC hardware is nice, but it’s not much use without innovative software. I’ve been reviewing software for PCMag since 2008, and I still get a kick out of seeing what's new in video and photo ...
As per section 1.4.2 (iii) of the Directive on Access to Information: "For Projects approved by Bank management where the Board of Directors has delegated the approval authority, the PSD shall be ...
The Company will be required to provide annual environmental and social reporting to the Bank. This PSD will be updated once the ESDD is complete and any resulting actions agreed with the Company. The ...
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psd-tools is a Python package for working with Adobe Photoshop PSD files as described in specification.