Research commissioned by DS Smith finds the UK most dependent on plastic packaging among European nations studied ...
The ‘Design for Life’ roadmap will encourage greater circularity in the design, processing and procurement of medtech ...
An internal review will be carried out into Defra’s regulators and its “regulatory landscape”, the department has announced.
They said this would provide a service for healthcare and life science organisations with materials that were previously ...
A BBC investigation examined five years of data from EfW plants and researchers said they found that burning household waste ...
The council last month admitted its faces a bill of £2.4m after it miscalculated collection rounds and in June suffered huge ...
Previously only plastic bottles could be recycled from homes. The expansion has been made possible by upgrades at the MRF ...
Councils are legally required under the Social Value Act 2012 to include environmental, economic, social and wellbeing ...
The deal was made through a subsidiary, StoneX Metals. Michael Skinner, global head of metals, said the deal will help to ...
The deal, which will sees 550 Renewi staff transferred, includes long-term residual waste treatment contracts with the ...
It said collecting and recycling this could help close the UK’s share of a 6.5 million tonnes global gap between the amount ...
It said proceeds would be some £182m when final payments are made by Unimetals, less than the £195m cited by the company when ...