Diet: Frozen bloodworm, black mosquito larvae, Daphnia and brineshrimp are readily taken. May also accept flakes or micro pellets. Matt Clarke has kept this fish and his were fond of small earthworms ...
Short answer — usually no, sometimes yes, but if it does then the fish will almost certainly be in terrible health. If you own a big fish in a small tank and you came here looking for reassurance, ...
Many new hobbyists have problems keeping plants in their tanks because they've been sold non-aquatic ones. Jeremy Gay explains more. I can travel the length and breadth of the country and bet that ...
Salt has been scientifically proven to have a number of benefits. Matt Clarke scours the journals and speaks to industry experts for the latest on the subject. Many people are very anti-salt. Why is ...
Matt Clarke on the Neon yellow or Kubota's microrasbora, Microdevario kubotai, formerly known as Microrasbora kubotai. Common name: Kubota's microrasbora, Neon yellow rasbora. Scientific name: ...
Nathan Hill creates a useful aquatic device for those who want a river biotope tank with a more natural flow. Here's how to do it... If we absorb the new documentaries and scientific papers we can ...
Until recently, Horabagrus used to be hard to find in the shops. But, as Matt Clarke explains, in the past two years, two different species have suddenly hit the market. Origin: Found in swamps, boggy ...
A) NEALE MONKS REPLIES: Quite a lot of human food is perfectly safe to use when feeding your fish. White fish fillet is good, particularly Tilapia, cod and coley, but avoid oily fish as that tends to ...