The Russia of the Tsars was one of history's most terrible dictatorships. Yet it was the setting for a revolution in which millions of people made history. In a matter of one week, the actions of ...
At the time Russia's gay community was enjoying a brief window of tolerance. After the October Revolution in 1917, the Bolsheviks scrapped and rewrote the country's laws. They produced two ...
Although for contemporaries the February Revolution appeared to be a ... By the end of February 1917 several factors in Russia had coalesced. They exacerbated an already agitated atmosphere ...
The Russian Revolution was a time of great upheaval but ... here are 10 classic images that rallied the masses in 1917. The cost and effort of fighting in World War One took a huge toll on Russia ...
Indifference was the world’s first reaction to Karl Marx’s magnum opus. In 1867, when the first volume of “Capital” was ...
Vladimir Ilich Lenin (1870-1924) is best known for his role in the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the founding of the Soviet Union. Lenin symbolized for many people the principles and ideas of the ...
Laura Engelstein - Yale University, Connecticut ‘… Antisemitism and the Russian Revolution is one of the most important new contributions to our understanding of 1917 and its immediate aftermath that ...
The assassination of these two revolutionary leaders was the political response of the German (and world) bourgeoisie to the Russian Revolution. The ruling classes had concluded from 1917 that the ...
However, only about 20,000 found their way into America during the period that followed the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 up through World War II. World War I, the Russian Revolution, and then the ...
April 4, 1917 Lenin publishes his April Theses condemning the Provisional Government for its incapacity to call an end to the "imperialist" war that Russia found itself in and calls for further ...
On March 22, 1917, Nicholas II was arrested at army headquarters and ... There were cheers not so much for the triumphant Russian revolution but the coming world revolution - or so at least official ...
Hickey, Michael 2019. ‘Who Controls These Woods?’ Forests andMnogovlastiein Smolensk in 1917. Revolutionary Russia, Vol. 32, Issue. 2, p. 197. Thatcher, Ian D. 2020. The ‘broad centrist’ political ...