The newest coins date from about A.D. 175 during the reign of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, who died in 180. | Credit: ...
Category — Things I've Said That Have Never Been Said to Me. Entry 1,437: "You can do so much better!" In 90% of those cases, I was dodging a lovely invitation I nonetheless wished to decline.
The museum dropped a legal effort to block the seizure of the statue by investigators who said the bronze, thought by some to be of Marcus Aurelius, had been stolen. By Tom Mashberg and Graham ...
In the first episode she looks behind the steely façade of famously philosophical, strong and masculine emperor Marcus Aurelius to discover a much more complicated, naïve, flirtatious and ...
Four of the coins date to the reign of Marcus Aurelius, who was played by Richard Harris in the first Gladiator film, with ...
A headless ancient bronze statue, believed to depict either the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius or an unnamed philosopher, is set to return to Turkey after decades in a U.S. museum. The Cleveland Museum ...
The most famous ruler featured in the hoard is arguably the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (reigned from A.D. 161 to 180), while his wife, Faustina II, is portrayed on a coin of her own. Aurelius ...