However, unlike English, te reo Maori is a transparent language – the written form is completely phonetic with a 100% ...
Whānau Ora was created in 2010 by the National-led Government and under the leadership of the late Three commissioning ...
Waatea is hearing that hundreds of jobs are on the line as contracts worth tens of millions are changing hands – Waatea has ...
The three original Whānau Ora commissioning agencies have lost their contracts in a tender process, including the John ...
For twenty years , Whānau Ora has been helping families, delivering life-changing support through a kaupapa Māori approach.
One of its main services is finding foster homes for Pasefika and Maori children who become wards of the state under their So'otaga Aiga Pasefika (SAP) program. Ms Caroline Epa, one of the (SAP ...
Former Labour Minister for Whānau Ora Peeni Henare says services could end up in the hands of large, foreign-owned non- Māori ...
Statement from the Secretary for Māori Development at Te Puni Kōkiri, Dave Samuels, regarding the Whānau Ora RFP Process. Whānau Ora is focussed on whānau wellbeing. Whānau decide which services and ...
Maori players have vowed to use the NRL's All ... "Coming together has been the theme, unity with our teina (siblings) and our whanau (family), how we come together for our people back home.
The three original Whānau Ora commissioning agencies have lost their contracts in a tender process, including the John ...