The lower body staple is one of the most versatile moves on the gym floor. Pick which version works best for your goals.
Stay strong, mobile, and youthful with these six essential squat drills designed for people over 50. Improve balance, strength, and flexibility to keep your body feeling young.
Ease yourself into better shape with this modified routine by exercise physiologist Chris Jordan, creator of the original ...
Strengthen lower body. Being able to squat with both feet on the ground comfortably and with strength is a necessity if you ...
No gym/ No problem! Elizabeth Colen has a great leg workout that involves just a chair.       Work those glutes and legs with ...
While you might not have any issues squatting down on your way to taking a seat in a low chair, your mechanics for the squat as an exercise might be all off as you attempt to mimic the latest ...
The first exercise is a squat… where you use your chair as a prop. And you're just going to bring your hips down to the chair. Bring your arms forward as you go down. Just touch your hips to the ...