When CFCs drift up into the stratosphere, they can break down ozone under certain seasonal conditions. The following year, those relevations led to the drafting of the Montreal Protocol -- an ...
What is the Ozone Layer? The ozone layer is a crucial component of Earth's stratosphere, located between 19 and 30 km above ...
Testing simulations based on different climate factors, researchers seemingly confirmed that efforts to limit the emission of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) — chemicals that contain carbon, chlorine, and ...
The 1987 Montreal Protocol, which banned CFCs in a bid to close the hole, is considered a success story for international environmental cooperation. In January, a major UN-backed assessment found ...
When CFCs drift up into the stratosphere, they can break down ozone under certain seasonal conditions. The following year, those relevations led to the drafting of the Montreal Protocol—an ...