Tibet comprises Utsang, Kham, and Amdo. In 1965, China redefined these borders, integrating Kham and Amdo into its provinces and creating a Tibet Autonomous Region. Kham and Amdo became parts of ...
Kanbo and Zhaxi Gyaincan, ed, A Collection of Amdo Tibet an Folk Feast Congratulatory Speeches, Qinghai Ethnic Publishing House, Xining, January 1996. 254 pp. 19 cm. ISBN 7-5420-0539-1.
Monasteries You Should Visit When You Are In Sikkim ...
Parts of the eastern Tibetan states of Kham (where Norbu lives) and Amdo were made into so-called autonomous prefectures and grafted onto the Chinese provinces of Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan ...
In 1974, Tsega collaborated with personnel from the Lanzhou military and geological teams for a 40-day filming project, ...
The CTA said the recent reports from reliable sources in the Ngaba region of Tibet have raised serious concerns about China’s ...
in an area now called the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR). The second is Khams, spoken east of the TAR in Sichuan, Yunnan, and in some parts of Qinghai. The third dialect group is Amdo, spoken north ...
Earlier this year, at the ninth International Conference of Tibet Support Groups (TSGs) held in Brussels, the Dalai Lama addressed 140 representatives from 40 countries. His speech highlighted ...
China’s gradual military conquest of eastern territories of Tibet was swiftly followed by the renaming of newly annexed places. The Tribune, now published from Chandigarh, started publication on ...
The Dalai Lama today attended a long life prayer offered to him by the Tibetan Women’s Association, former students of the ...
Sgrolmamtsho is a peasant woman of 35 who lives in an impoverished agricultural community in the Tibetan province of Amdo When she got married in 1993 she was only 21 and had no experience of work ...
Tsega (left) gives medicine to a Tibetan woman after treating her at her home in Amdo county, Xizang autonomous region. [Photo provided to CHINA DAILY] When it takes days to get to a city ...