San Diego leaders unveil a plan to improve downtown safety and cleanliness through increased police presence and public ...
The San Diego City Council Tuesday heard the first proposals for temporary homeless shelters around the city to make up for ...
A five-point plan to improve public safety and enhance cleanliness in downtown San Diego was proposed Monday by a coalition ...
Council President Sean Elo-Rivera noted Tuesday that he brought up that building only as a way to aid anyone displaced from ...
A five-point plan to improve public safety and cleanliness in downtown San Diego was proposed by a group of residents and ...
Mayor Todd Gloria has held the seat over the past four years, and he previously served as a member of the California State ...
In response to the heavy flooding that struck San Diego in January, the city’s maintenance crews have been actively working ...
El aumento en el apoyo a Larry Turner se produce a medida que los votantes se familiarizan más con el exoficial de policía.